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What Issue of the Awake Fulfilled the Jehovahs W Agreement With the UN to Conduct an “Information Program”?

Question by shawn10538: What issue of the Awake fulfilled the Jehovahs W agreement with the UN to conduct an “information program”?
…for the positive progress of the UN?

There actually was a number of articles in the Awake and Watchtower that fulfilled this requirement by the UN NGO office. If someone knows the issues that would be great.

Best answer:

Answer by troll to troll
Yes the WTB&TS is an NGO and an NGO that had membership in the UN.

The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
The NGO must be of recognized national or international standing;
The NGO should operate solely on a non-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status;
The NGO must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; or enlisting the attention of the media;
The NGO should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and should show promise of sustained activity in the future;
The NGO should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association;
The NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;
The NGO should have statutes/bylaws providing for a transparent process of taking decisions, elections of officers and members of the Board of Directors.

Naturally, the literate mother stimulates the learning process in her children-no mean feat. The education of girls is an excellent investment. Nothing else has such power to improve family health and to improve the lives of women themselves, notes the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) publication The State of the World’s Children 1991. No doubt about it, reading and writing skills will help you to be a better mother and provider.

What is being done to reduce the risk of trauma in lands sown with mines? Government-sponsored mine-awareness programs are in place in many countries. According to a report of the United Nations secretary-general, these programs teach “populations at risk . . . how to minimize their chances of becoming victims while living and working in mined areas.”

Sadly, “people become accustomed to the presence of mines and grow careless,” says a United Nations report. “Sometimes religious factors encourage [people] to adopt a fatalistic attitude towards such dangers.” A fatalistic attitude, however, finds no support in God’s Word. On the contrary, the Bible encourages caution and safety.—Deuteronomy 22:8; Ecclesiastes 10:9.

So by exercising caution and taking reasonable steps to protect your health, you can greatly reduce your risk of losing a limb. But what about those who have already lost limbs? Can they still enjoy a good quality of life? The next article answers this question.

But not all the news is bad! UN agencies, such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization, have worked hard to improve the lot of children. Annan noted: “More children are born healthy and more are immunized; more can read and write; more are free to learn, play and simply live as children than would have been thought possible even a short decade ago.” Still, he warned: “This is no time to stand on past achievements.”

Awake!, 12/8/2000

See also:

Awake!!, 11/22/98:

p. 2- mobilizes public opinion in support of the UN

p 6- disseminates information about the UN to their membership

Awake! 7/22/01 p. 5 promotes UN observances and international years

Awake! 1/8/99 page 31, 1st paragraph publicizes UN activities

Awake! 1/8/99 page 13 promotes knowledge of UN principles and activities

This postive article stated:

“International Year of Volunteers …On November 20, 1997, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the year 2001 to be the ‘International Year of Volunteers,’ (IYV 2001). According to the UN, there are four objectives to be achieved during the year. …The UN hopes that IYV 2001 will result in more requests for the services of volunteers. …A total of 123 governments have joined in sponsoring the objectives of this UN resolution. …The box ‘International Year of Volunteers’ describes some of the goals the UN hopes to reach. …there are still numerous individuals around the world who are willing to make a difference. What motivates to them to do so? What do they accomplish? And how may they affect your life?” —Awake! July 22, 2001, p. 5


There are many articles that mention different parts of the UN as doing good works for people. These UN organizations are not obviously a known to the Watch Tower followers as an UN organization.
Does UNICEF as a name say ‘I am UN? or does World Health Org. sound like I am UN?

The WTB&TS was deceptively careful in wording and choice of the praise and UN group.

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