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Alcohol addiction is one setback that ought not be addressed with levity. Support should be sought for as soon as the signs of the problem becomes clear in you or in a loved one. When you can’t seem to get work completed without taking to one or 2 bottles of alcohol. When you would rather expend your hard earned money on booze as a substitute of other essential items, then you must appreciate that you require assistance and you ought to acquire it without delay before the dilemma gets out of hand. The best place to hunt for and acquire help to manage the hitch of alcohol addiction is the alcohol rehab center. These centers are equipped to assist you live the type of lifestyle you long for. Fortunately, there are numerous centers all over the United States. Just hunt for a good quality and reliable one.

As observed in the past, there are a lot of alcohol rehab centers throughout the Country. The purpose for this is not far-fetched. The growing rate of alcohol addiction in the land has given delivery to countless centers with the intention of helping addicts who may not be able to cope with the problem on their own. Alcohol addiction does not involve only the addict; it can affect the finance and vigor of other parties around the addict.You must not let alcohol to destroy your life. Search for a first-class and dependable inpatient treatment center that can help you to become the best person you want to be. Alcoholism is a disease that you can contend with and get over if you have the correct resources.

Alcohol rehab centers employ numerous types of method to help patients to give up on addiction. Despite the fact that a number of may be pious in their line of attack, others make use of conventional medical means. Some centers employ counseling, group discussion, medicine, meditation et cetera. No matter the approach made use of, they are intended to assist the patient get over his or her craving for alcohol as well as continue to say no to it even after departing from the center.

The primary thing a good and dependable alcohol rehab center will do to you is to study you and check how difficult the problem is. In other words, all sufferers cannot be treated in the same way. While some addicts are yet to get over the difficulty, other people may be undergoing alcohol withdrawal signs and symptoms such as headaches and depression. As soon as this assessment is carried out, the center will recognize what method to apply to help you cope with the crisis. While some individuals may be given pills, some others may be required to live in the center to get other treatment and be carefully monitored. The end result of all treatments is to assist the addict to get over the passion for alcohol.

Alcoholism is one problem that should not be handled with levity. Help should be sought for once the evidences of the problem becomes clear in you or in a loved one. When you cannot seem to get work completed without resorting to 1 or 2 bottles of alcohol. When you would rather use your hard earned cash on booze as a substitute of other essential things, then you ought to appreciate that you require assistance and you must acquire it without delay before the snag gets out of hand. The best place to search for and find help to contend with the crisis of alcohol addiction is the alcohol rehab center. These centers are geared up to assist you live the kind of lifestyle you crave. Fortunately, there are many centers throughout the United States. Just hunt for a good quality and reliable one.

As spoken earlier, there are several alcohol rehab centers all over the United states of america. The ground for this is not far-fetched. The rising rate of alcoholism in the country has given birth to many centers with the goal of helping addicts who may not be able to handle the trouble on their own. Alcohol addiction does not have an effect on only the addict; it can affect the finance and vigor of other persons around the addict.You must not permit alcohol to ruin your life. Search for a very good and dependable inpatient treatment center that can help you to grow to be the most excellent individual you want to be. Alcohol addiction is a disease that you can cope with and get over if you have the right resources.

Alcohol rehab centers use numerous forms of method to help patients to throw in the towel on addiction. Although a number of may be spiritual in their approach, others make use of standard medical means. A number of centers employ counseling, group discussion, medication, meditation etc. Regardless of the method employed, they are meant to help the patient get over his or her desire for alcohol as well as continue to say no to it even after departing from the center.

The initial thing a good and reliable alcohol rehab center will do to you is to examine you and check how difficult the crisis is. In other words, all victims cannot be dealt with in the same way. While a few addicts are yet to defeat the problem, others may be undergoing alcohol withdrawal symptoms like headaches and depression. Once this assessment is carried out, the center will know what method to utilize to help you contend with the difficulty. While some folks may be given medicine, others may be required to lodge in the center to get other treatment and be closely monitored. The consequence of all treatment options is to help the victim to get over the longing for alcohol.

Question by ed_4zan: what is the rule of architect in building industry in nigeria.?
pls i need it now.

Best answer:

Answer by geri_atrik2000
The process of urban regeneration is hinged on adequate physical planning. The conceptual basis of a people’s ideology and civilization in relation to how they choose to live will determine the success of planned regeneration of their urban centres.

For many Nigerians, Fire protection is simply a passive aspect of daily activities, yet it is evident that billions of Naira is lost annually to fire.

However, the technicalities of fire protection of the environment are far fetched from the common man on the street. In the event of fire in our environment, all kinds of solutions and initiatives are usually proffered by all who mean well at combating the fire outbreak. This may logically account for the few successes we have recorded at combating fire outbreaks. Unfortunately, this reaction is a clear evidence of our none-structured approach and it goes a long way to show how handicapped we are on this front of national progress.

Till date, the country has no fire code in place. Although a draft bill is in circulation, and it is in the process of review. The struCture again is a source of concern. It must be stressed that to effectively combat fire outbreaks of all forms and types, it requires multidisciplinary inputs. This can only be done effectively through rational, empirical, and equitable platforms of expertise and disciplines.

There is a need to appraise by research aspects of, the built environment in terms of standards and specifications, behavioral patterns, rehabilitation, rescue and effective ways of combating fire outbreaks. In this regard, it must be emphasized that no one agency is adequate enough in it’s self to handle all aspects. The demand is for a structured approach that would enable inputs at various levels, with the intent of having a harmonious direction towards effectively combating incidences of fire. The protective measure would be considered as standards. When these standards are adhered to, they would be considered as preventive in the first order of response to incidences of fire.

The Nigerian institute of Architects in 1985 put together a committee that generated a fire code for Nigeria. Aspects of prevention of occurrence of fire in buildings, prevention of fire spread, escape for users of the building and capability to contain the fire were discussed extensively. This foundational input by Architects has been added to by the recent Fire (precaution and control) Bill. This is a clear indication of efforts been made to better the situation. However, the pressure on society to develop at a frenzied pace has not helped the context of the environment as well. The rate of physical development surely out-runs the rate of monitoring and controls; yet the necessary checks are simply non-existent or ignored.

In this paper, it would be imperative to view fire protection from a holistic perspective. This will involve appraising issues of community, building design, specifications and monitoring concepts, as well as fresh insights into the bulk of these theories and solutions.


2.1 Background: The context of community in urban regeneration which is relevant to fire protection is clearly that of “social response”. The “image” of social response is so bad in the minds of professionals and politicians alike. Aradeon (1978) recalls “the military governor of Lagos State who, on arrival from an Australian visit, announced that his government was going to clear the slums of traditional Lagos and rebuild it with modem apartments and shopping centres”. (Gilbert 1982) simply puts it: “such views are both inconsistent and superficial and lead to inappropriate policy responses. However, we have not seen an end of these superficial eccentricisms in our society. Since every event of fire remains a platform for political rhetoric on efforts of government and the technical core towards ensuring that the situation does not repeat itself.

2.2 The nature of fire protection: In every communal fabric this must be relatively structured. The idea that a fire station should be situated in each local government headquarters of the federation should not be simply based on whimsical deduction from the past or present situations. Rather, it should be based on adequate evaluation of communal needs as they grow on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. Since the ultimate purpose of fire protection is to save life and property in the event of fire outbreak. The risk of bigger fires and the incidences of fires are usually higher with increased activities, population, as well as better technology ironically. The fires that have ravished most of our markets are in most cases attributed to electrical surges and sparks this been a new technology.
There is need to equip each community relative to its inherent situations under its communal context. By so, adequately preventing fire outbreaks, and in an event, be fully equipped to avert or combat the situation before it becomes catastrophic. It would not be out of place to accentuate this idea by locating adequate fire fighting response team and equipments at every five kilometers of pipe-line running through the length and breath of various communities around the country. It is evident that hundreds of lives have been lost due to pipe-line vandalism and explosions. Nevertheless, there is need to capture the essence of responsiveness by the required agencies. It is evident we can spend billions of Naira in high technology monitoring system against vandalism. How about spending half that amount to sustain protective measures and ensuring standards? What is the price of the “Nigerian life”? The challenge is to call on the private and public sector to urgently do something about the “life” of a Nigerian from such gruesome death in the event of fire outbreak. Fire protection of the built and the unbuilt environment is essential to human existence.

2.3 Physical Planning: It is common place to think that the way to protect against fire is simply based upon adequate fire fighting equipments. In order to avoid fighting fires, certain aspects of the environment must be carefully planned and designed within specific lines of thought that would simply cater for the avoidance of incidences of fire. However, in the event of fire, aspects of the environment that have been thoughtfully designed will ensure adequate escape for the inhabitants, suppression of the fire, reduction in the spread of the fife and consequently put out the fire, thus reducing loss of life and property. Some months ago, Tejuosho Market was on fire. When the President of the Nigerian Institute of Architects visited the site, with the NIA built environment committee, one of the prime complaints of fire fighters and shop owners was their inability to access the origins of the fife. This was attributed to poor walkways, no drive ways, cluttered spaces and general inaccessibility within the market. Although, the market was properly designed, and all aspects of safety observed. Over the years, the need for growth, expansion, controls, and monitoring were neglected. Parking spaces have been turned into shops as well. As if this is not enough, even the main street (Tejuosho Road) is an extension of the market itself. This again is another evidence of social irresponsiveness which is clearly hinged on physical planning.

At this juncture, it must be stressed that physical planning and urban design are not simply about approval of development plans or preparation of fictitious and academic environmental impact analysis reports. It is about designing in response to change. These changes occur daily as man tries to respond to his environment by controlling the limiting factors he finds therein. This can be achieved by the use of design as a tool to improve prevailing conditions.
In order to keep these varying changes in perspective design must always respond to the circumstantial. The essence of environmental design in this regard is to ensure that the bits and pieces of all environmental solutions proffered by professionals and expertise are carefully articulated and neatly fitted into a holistic sustainable environment. Fire protection is one of the major aspects for consideration.

2.4 The nature of physical developments: Various types of buildings associated with physical development and the events of fire were matched, the result shows that majority of fire incidences where associated with market fires. (This was based on a comparative study of records of fire incidences by the Federal fire service and building type classifications by the Nigerian Institute of Architects.) Physical developments are usually no events that can be described as a happenstance. There is a likely evolution of the built form in what ever context. This time frame involved in its emergence is usually neglected until the situation becomes catastrophic. Seldom will the designer be called upon; rather any form of rescue is usually a matter of last resort. This scenario has aided poor contextual appraisals of our environment and infused in us a layback attitude bearing in mind that the consequences may not confront us soon. As we would all agree when the consequences ensue they are devastating. Fire in this instance would be out of control. Since the preventive measures that should control it are not in place and they cannot be installed in split seconds of required response time.

2.5 Common occurrence of abuse: While driving along the Falomo Bridge recently, someone pointed my attention to the police barracks to see a 2 kva generator placed on the window sill of one of the apartments. The oil and fuel was evidently dripping from the third floor window sill into the lower floor window, with its visible wet outline. To my surprise it was generating power. This was an accident ready to happen. Although it may take a while before it happens, this time lag is generally responsible for the abuse and ineptitude shown by us.

It is one thing to design, it is another to monitor. Unfortunately, the monitoring aspect is open ended. A query on monitoring is usually left without prosecution or remedies. Even where there are likely threats, it cannot be backed by law.

As we discuss this subject today, there is still no housing Act or building Act in place in Nigeria, It is taking us over forty years to develop this document, like many other things in our society. These rudimentary documents are the first direct steps to fire protection of life and property, Unfortunately, there is no such thing as common place knowledge of what is acceptable or not acceptable. Especially when dealing with people in an emergent democracy and technology without previous knowledge of these experiences. In a case where the fire bill is passed, without the building and housing act in force, the physical developments project and certification will become another tax system against developers of the environment.


The architect recognizes the environment as a system, the community as a sub- system, the building as another sub- system within the communal sub-system. All these systems are in a form of integration.

However, in his design, against loss by fire, he fragments his building sub-system into components. The architect prioritizes his components by placing them in hierarchy. By so dong he can establish the basis for structural stability, functional spaces, resistances to the elements and event of fire, as well as escapes. These components enable him to allow various research inputs into the aspects of improvements he would require in the building systems.

By reason of the assemblage style of the architect’s components, he can fragment his building so that fire in one area of the component does not easily spread to other components. The same principle can be applied at the community level between buildings instead of massing a communal block; it is safer to fragment building units within the mass.

Therefore, the building as a type gives us insight into the principle behind the architects design tools which he utilizes in preventing fire outbreaks as a matter of failure of buildings, or curtailing the spread of fire from one component to another; as a matter of individual units or a mass.

The fire protection tree gives us a clear indication of fire protection in buildings and the various points where design plays crucial roles.


The prevention of fire and protection of the environment and assets go hand in hand. When fire is prevented, in the event of its possible outbreak, design standard, specifications where upheld would go a long way to protect the environment, life and property from catastrophe.

Under intense heat, glass, shelters, plastics melt, wood bum, the list is unending. However, the fire resistance rating of these materials when used as components to form parts to a whole in a building becomes very important. This could determine to a large extent the survival of people and possibly reduce the loss and damages that would ensue.

Specification concepts for fire protection can be grouped under the following headings:

– Spatial context adequacy. – Escape adequacy
– Material resistance rating
– Component adequacy.

4.1 Spatial Context Adequacy:_Not all spaces in terms of volume are adequate to negate the impact of fire at its various phases from ignition. Some volumes for practical purposes of functional use of that space are adequately designed to inhibit the spread of fire. For instance, the use of an atrium within a space could pose danger to people on the upper floors. The escape from multistory complexes with atriums should always be away from the atrium.

Similarly, the allowable floor to ceiling height of various functional spaces and the use of smoke vents can reduce the risk of fire spread. Adequacy in this context must be strictly adhered to public spaces and offices.

4.2 Escape Adequacy: The appropriate use of fIfe stairs, escape stairs, appropriate door swings, escape tunnels and smoke vents, are simple design basics that must not be ignored. In the event of fire, it could be the dividing line between life and death.

More so, aspects of accessibility to the fire spots by rescue operators, fire windows, door, halls, tunnels, layout plans, etc. These must be clearly seen and easily accessed for quick rescue.

The principle of means of escape is the facility to reach a protected “protected point” i.e. one protected from smoke and fire within a given time (Nadine1982)
The use of primary means of escape, secondary means of escape and possibly any alternative means of escape should be the goal of good design. Considerations of width of the routes, restriction of distance and traveling time to escape protected points. Smoke control along escape routes is a very crucial technicality in the design of buildings and other aspects of the built environment. Control of fire by the use intumescent materials on adjacent walls of escape routes can also alleviate the impact of intense heat as well as the use of sprinkler systems.

4.3 Material Resistance Rating: firer resistance rating tables and charts are available for materials in the construction industry. Usually, these ratings are matched with the classification of fire. Since materials are not built to resist all types of fires. This would not be economical. However these materials are also tested relative to time required to burn, disintegrate and loose structural properties as well.

4.4 Classification of Fire:

Class’ A” fire – free-burning materials (mud, cloth, paper)
Class ‘B’ fire – inflammable liquids (petrol, paraffin, kerosene) Class ‘c’ fire – inflammable gases
Class ‘D’ fire metals (aluminum, calcium, plutonium)
*classification-NIAfire code 1985

4.5 Component Adequacy: Once materials resistance rating is adequate, the next vital aspect of protection against fire is the component itself. Since the building is a composition of components. Fragmentation helps for adequacy against fire spread. However, fragmentation has an impact on the rigidity and stability of the component. Hence adequacy standards must be ascertained. This would ease escape; retain rigidity and stability while retaining its inherent fire resistance rating.


The current quagmire we find ourselves calls for a national intervention, and a rapid response to issues pertaining to fire protection. Firstly, the law that empowers the codes must exist. Secondly, the agencies instrumental in conceptualizing, monitoring and enforcing must simultaneously be in place. Thirdly, in order not to throw everyone behind bars, there must be social based interventions that would seek to redirect popular opinion and notions from staid responses towards the importance of these codes and the healthy need for compliance. Various events of bush burning, private waste burning, generators on balconies of apartment buildings, smoking vehicles, to various acts of arson are basic responses that we have in our environment. Some have led to tragic loss of lives.

The concept of monitoring must be such that fire protection is not seen as an exclusive preserve of an agency; rather a collective enculturation of the people. How they live. Hence, the enculturation process must be a part of educational curricular for schools, drills, for the working class, and non-working class.

5.1 Performance based regulatory system
As we beginning the process of standardization, passing of bills and regulating the built environment it will be important to draw our attention to global directions. The intent is to inform our discretion so as to ensure that appropriate environment for cross fertilization of concepts and ideas is created.

It is often the case to see that standards setting ends up as academic non- adaptable document especially in the construction sector of Nigeria. Since the impact does not suddenly reflect on economics and politics. Performance based regulatory systems simply focuses on out comes rather than specific solution. While, Standards settings focuses on specifics of the regulatory intent per item or process.

5.3 The nature of standards; These comprises of mandatory or advisory objectives. hey can be categorized it four parts;
-test or measurement standards -procedural standards
– interoperability standards
-standard of professional practice

Where standards are unavailable or inappropriate such as for the acceptance of innovative materials or methods, there exist systems for technical approvals to give guidance on meeting functional requirement.(Bukowski,2003)It is interesting to note that in Britain, this is achieved by the British board of agreements in the United States of America, by the evaluating services organization in conjunction with model code development bodies. With the rate of influx of various materials into Nigeria as well as speed of development projects, it will be important to put in place an inter agency organization that is empowered.
Similarly, the incorporation of due diligence aspects of regulatory developments will go a long way to improve our lot on standards and regulations that will form the body of monitoring initiatives.

5.2 Building regulatory systems: These consist of regulations adopted into law by whatever legislative or administrative means.
Current legislative initiatives should seek not only to protect life and property form fire disasters, but insist on performance evaluation of the buildings and its environment. Performance evaluation herein implies certification of levels compliance to building regulations s well as fire standards. The only way these regulation can be in effect is by a continuous appraisal until we develop and evolve into such levels of environmental sensitivity.


Although it is evident that fire protection of the environment and asset is extensive and science based. The need for the “Social responsiveness” to its challenges is enormous.

The vacuum created by the lack of fire code for the nation has been very devastating. More so, the rational behind the concepts of protection of physical developments in the environment.

It has been suggested by the Nigerian Institute of Architects working committee on the fire code (1985) that workshops and debates would enhance future development of the fire code. Recently the Nigerian investment promotion council held a national workshop on market fire (July 29th, 2004) at the MUSON Centre in Lagos. The issues of fire protection is gradually been seen as a national problem that must be addressed. The need for a more pragmatic stem toward combating fire, setting the stage for adequate fire protection and engendering refoffils in this sector has been stressed. In this paper, we have shown that, apart from fire fighting equipment, and institutional frame work, there is a great need to understand the process of the “built state” of our environment by way of the various concepts associated with fire protection. This been a guiding rule for protecting the built and unbuilt environment against incidence of fire outbreak adequately.

7.0 Recommendations:

– All primary, secondary and tertiary schools must be integrated into formal training on fire fighting basics and emergency/first aid.
– All high rise offices, major complexes, markets, hospitals etc. must undergo
routine fire drills performance certification for the physical development and routine fire drills for personnel.
– Enforcement of the fire code must be done adequately.
– Pipeline must be equipped with fire detectors and fire fighting response within 5 minutes of occurrence across the length and breath of the communities where it truncates.
– Fire approval must be obtained for physical development projects.
– More research into fire ratings tests, assessment, and validation of standards and procedures in line with technological progress.
– Location of fire stations in every community and equipped based on possible/likely need.
– More work by fire services (police) to ensure that cases of fire are known and documented with valid, and publishable proofs for addition to knowledge.


1. Ogbogoh F.l (2004) “Market fire” a paper presented at the seminar on Market fifes (July 29th, 2004) held at MUSON Centre, Lagos.

2. Aradeon. D. (1978) ” Regional assessment of Human settlements policies in Nigeria Paper presented at the symposium on National Human Settlements policies and theory held at the University of Sussex. February, 1978.

3. Gugler, J. (1982) “The logic of Governmental Response”, Cities, poverty and development (Oxford University Press) New York (p.I09).

4. The Nigerian Institutes of Architects: fire code for Nigeria, fire code committee (1985) Sobowale,etal.

5. Odeleye A. (1983) Fire protection in buildings: ed. Omokhodion N. A. (Nigeria Institute of Architects).

6. Nadine B.,(1982) Design for shopping centres, University Press, Cambridge.

7. Bukowski.R.W,et al,(2001)Performance-based regulatory framework, CIB world congress, Wellington NZ.

8. Bukowski.R.W,et al,(2003)Rule of standards in a performance-based building regulatory system, CIB-CTBUH conference on tall buildings, Kwalar Lumpur, Malaysia.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Question by : What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking Carim 100 mg?
I am intrigued specifically what are the benefits and drawbacks of having Modafinil 200 mg? Many thanks much.

Best answer:

Answer by Colin
Carim is just another name for modafinil… the only difference in yours is 100mg is half the dose of the 200mg tablets.

In the United States, modafinil is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for the treatment of narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea and shift work sleep disorder. In some countries, it is also approved for idiopathic hypersomnia (all forms of excessive daytime sleepiness where causes can’t be established). The usual prescribed dosage for these disorders is 200 mg once a day (less commonly, 100 to 400 mg/day in one or two doses).

For conditions other than shift work sleep disorder, modafinil is normally taken in one dose in the morning or in two doses in the morning and at midday. It is generally not recommended to take modafinil after noon: modafinil is a relatively long-acting drug with a half-life of 15 hours, and taking it during the later part of the day carries a risk of sleep disturbances

Despite extensive research into the interaction of modafinil with a large number of neurotransmitter systems, a precise mechanism or set of mechanisms of action remains unclear. It seems that modafinil, like other stimulants, increases the release of monoamines, specifically the catecholamines norepinephrine and dopamine, from the synaptic terminals. However, modafinil also elevates hypothalamic histamine levels, leading some researchers to consider Modafinil a “wakefulness promoting agent” rather than a classic amphetamine-like stimulant. Despite modafinil’s histaminergic action, it still partially shares the actions of amphetamine-class stimulants due to its effects on norepinephrine and dopamine.

A National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) study highlighted “the need for heightened awareness for potential abuse of and dependence on modafinil in vulnerable populations” due to the drug’s effect on dopamine in the brain’s reward center. However, the synergistic actions of modafinil on both catecholaminergic and histaminergic pathways lowers abuse potential as compared to traditional stimulant drugs while maintaining the effectiveness of the drug as a wakefulness promoting agent. Studies have suggested that modafinil “has limited potential for large-scale abuse” and “does not possess an addictive potential in naive individuals.”

Modafinil was shown to be an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),however in 2006 it was found by the FDA to be unfit for use by children for that purpose. It was rejected primarily due to one suspected case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Cephalon’s own label for Provigil now discourages its use by children for any purpose. Other potentially effective, but unapproved targets include the treatment of depression, bipolar depression,opiate & cocaine dependence,Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and disease-related fatigue, as well as fatigue that is the side effect of another medication.

In most countries, here is a paper sheet with this sort of information with the tablets. If not, you really should discuss what you need to know with the pharmacist. Although pharmacists are sometimes called chemists, they are rather different and have specific traning in the areas.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Getting addicted to various drugs and alcohols which are considered dangerous for health and some of these are being banned by US Government and then follow it up with admitted to an US addiction treatment center or any US drug rehabs for total detoxification treatment can really be a painful and loneliest task to get accomplished. When you are drug addicted and can’t know any way to get out of jail, then you might get frustrated and find the other ways which can save you from this untorcharable trauma that you find yourself in. During addiction treatment when you are admitted to various addiction treatment centers situated near your hometown in US, your body may acne steeply from the urge of these drugs and sometimes this condition can easily become worse. When one get admitted to US drug rehabs for addiction treatment the person who is undergoing through the whole drug detoxification or addiction treatment is not the lone sufferer, his/her family members, friends and relatives also suffers with them. The addiction treatment differs from one individual to another depending upon his/her reaction to the whole detoxification process. Mostly the minimum of 3 years to year is the time what one needs to get back onto the road of recovery.

Well there are different addiction treatment centers and drug rehabs operating in the heart of United States of America, there are some other means and procedures helpful in the whole addiction procedures. Some of these are illustrated below as:

If you yourself is a drug addicted patient, you must fully assess your mental and physical wants, your age, your profession etc all into consideration before going for this drug addiction treatment. You must first admit that you are drug addicted person who needs to be treated either in any addiction treatment centers in US or a drug rehab center to save your whole life both personal and professional one from totally get ruined off

Secondly, this step is not so easy then said. As a drug addicted patient whose mind and body is fully dependent on these drugs, if said to stay away from drugs or stay away from addiction would be a joke. If you try so you will surely fail as your body would react sharply for the want of these life saving drugs. So, better join any addiction treatment centers in US or a drug rehab center and enter into any detoxification procedure where all your body movements would be monitored by trained professional doctors or nurses round the clock. So, if you body again reacts steeply or acutely, these professional doctors or nurses would know what to do to make you feel relieved from untorcharable body pain;

Thirdly, you may look to join any support stuff groups who makes meeting with the entire drug addicted patient to share their bitter experiences from their past days when they were totally drug addicted. They share with you their trauma, pain, anxiety, emotions, sentiments with this support group so that no further US teens gets addicted too;

Fourthly, prior to get admitted to any addiction treatment centers in US or a drug rehab center you must consult and disclose your addiction problems infront of your parents and well wishers and ask their opinion for the same. Any pressurize work done at that time from finding a suitable addiction treatment centers in US or a drugs rehab center, knowing about their treatment procedures, their support staffs, treatment mechanism, recovery chances and at last the total surcharges. If all these parameters matches, you may start your addiction treatment as soon as possible without any further delay;

Finally, commit infront of your parents and near and dear ones to be a different person away getting fully cured from addiction treatment conducted in your chosen drug rehab center or an addiction treatment centers in US. The detoxification process can’t be completed overnight, you may have to go through tremendous body pain and relapses during the whole detoxification of harmful toxins to be drained out of the system. Be stronger, believe in yourself and above all remember you are undergoing addiction treatment for he betterment of yourself, your spouse (if any), other family members and friends. For them you have to be fully cured one day!

Know more about addiction treatment centers and drug rehab, and live more healthy life.

Question by majordun: Is it true that Muslims almost always reject criticism of Islam?
11/21/10 VOA: The U.N. General Assembly committee that deals with human rights issues has adopted a resolution condemning widespread human rights abuses in Iran. The resolution was drafted by Canada and co-sponsored by 42 other countries. Canadian U.N. Ambassador John McNee, said, “The members of this committee cannot ignore Iran’s continued human rights violations: stonings, torture, flogging, amputations, executions of juveniles, executions by strangulation, continuing discrimination against women and minorities, and a persistent failure to uphold due process. Mr. Chair, these violations continue and continue to worsen.”

The response from Iranian human rights chief Mohammad Javad Larijani Larijani was predictable: “Let me make it quite clear that the United States of America is the mastermind and the main provocateur, and as far as the substance is concerned this text does not have anything to do with human rights and its promotion.” Isn’t that the standard response when anyone criticizes Islam? “You’re discriminating against us because we’re Muslims!”

The vote was 80 in favor, 44 against and 57 abstentions. The Organization of the Islamic Conference includes all Muslim nations: there are 57 members. Hmmm.

Best answer:

Answer by Adonis

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