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Posts Tagged ‘substance abuse’

The Hope in Substance Abuse
Dr Kosanke has been working in the research and clinical practice of substance abuse treatment for many years. She has most recently co-authored a book called Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change that is a compassionate …
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Mayors task force discusses drug abuse prevention, treatment
ELKTON — Mayors from Cecil County's eight towns continue to widen their net of information and partners in their quest to help the county reduce a substance abuse problem that all agree has gotten out of hand. An ambitious agenda with six potential …
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Cutler's Corner: The many facets of substance abuse
Another set of heartbreaking stories was shared this week at the Plymouth Public Library where a special commission studying drug abuse and treatment options hosted a stop on their statewide listening tour. Pembroke was well represented with Police …
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Question by Dee L: I have a drinking problem and just found out my son is smoking pot?
My question isn’t why would he do this..I was happy and amazed that he wasn’t for so long. This morning I found a ball of half burnt pot residue in his bathroom. My 1st reaction was to drive to his school, take him home and confront him..but then I realized I was not mad at him, just afraid. Who am I to talk, I drink a 6 pack almost every day to escape. I need to get help myself. Yes, I know I need to go to a program and maybe he does too, but my question is, what do I say when he gets home? I feel like I should be honest first about my own problem and that I do it to escape, but that I know it is only making things worse..then tell him I know what he’s been doing and it is understandable that he wants a means of escape, but that he has to stop..but where do I go from there? He usually stays in town on weekends with his friends as we live way out in the country and I don’t have the time or gas to drive him back and forth for just a few it seems I must ground him from hanging out with his pot smoking friends, but for how long and for what good? It will make him even more depressed and angry if I isolate him, but since he has no money, they are obviously his suppliers. Please give me some step by step direction, starting with what to say when he gets off the bus, to what to do about him going out this weekend to what to do in the future..thank you

Best answer:

Answer by j153e
Glad you’re taking steps to heal what could be a sad situation.

1-800-525-LOVE 24/7 is a helpful beginning counseling line. You can call them as much as you like.

1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours ask for Counseling dept. will provide you with trusted (i.e., not inclined to overmedicate) counselors in your local area.

One personal opinion: you are a matured adult, and grew up in a less negative culture. Your son is experiencing a male version of substance abuse, so it may not be hormonally quite the same as your situation. Marijuana does alter (spaces out) neurosynapses, alcohol is a more temporary “fix.” The people at focusonthefamily are well versed in counseling, and you will have a single phone counseling session with them on this and related issues; then they will provide resources for you to follow up with, including counselors’ phone numbers. It might be to your advantage to have a brief list of specific questions (about alcohol programs, marijuana programs, the strong willed child, help with finances) and a pencil and paper when you make the call.

Another resource: “A Spiritual Approach to Parenting: Secrets of Raising the 21st Century Child,” Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D.

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Hospital to become rehab center
Lakeland HealthCare announced Friday it had entered into an agreement with Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center, based in Richmond, Mich., to operate a detoxification center and a short-term residential treatment site for treatment of substance abuse at …
Read more on Herald Palladium (subscription)

Youth counselor educates on area drug use
The theme of Evergreen Youth and Family Services annual conference at the Sanford Center was “promoting positive youth development. … It is not uncommon for youth to have “poly drug use” which is making detox and rehabilitation difficult, Kuleta said.
Read more on Bemidji Pioneer

Lawrence Township land use ordinance amended
The Lawrence Township Council amended the land use ordinance at its March 18 meeting to address substance abuse treatment centers, but not before residents expressed concern about the potential new use. The ordinance was … It authorizes an amendment …
Read more on The Central Jersey Sun

Mindfulness therapy helps prevent drug and alcohol relapse
One year after treatment for substance abuse, far fewer participants who got relapse-prevention training including mindfulness techniques had used drugs or alcohol compared to those given relapse-prevention therapy alone or a standard 12-step program.
Read more on Reuters UK

Study Shows A-CHESS Addiction Support App Helps Prevent Relapse [Video]
A-CHESS Results of a randomized clinical trial published online Wednesday by JAMA Psychiatry showed that a “smartphone-based application could provide effective continuing “care” to patients with alcohol use disorders. The study monitored 349 patients …
Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice

Alcohol May Not Help: Alcohol's Impact on Your Mental Health
I've spent three decades clinically treating emerging adults with mental health concerns, many having a coexisting dependency on alcohol. I composed a guide, Ten Good Mental Health Reasons Not to Drink, as a way to expose the effects of alcohol on …
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Question by harlemkid82485: Why does “Celebrity Rehab” get such bad reviews?
Not only the show but also Dr. Drew. Critics claim they expose people’s problems on national tv and it’s worse for them. I disagree. I think Dr. Drew and his staff is amazing and is doing the best they can to help ppl with substance abuse. These celebrities are getting paid to be on tv. If anything, this show should be a lesson for anyone who’s thinking of using(especially young ppl). As a former user, and child of junkie parents who were taking from this world by drugs, I commend Dr. Drew for what he does.

Best answer:

Answer by Kimberly Redeer
The people aren’t really celebs.

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Proposed substance abuse treatment center would be a first in West Virginia
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – More West Virginians died as a result of substance abuse in 2013 than auto accidents. That doesn't come as a surprise to Jim Wilkerson. He's the development director of the T Center. Once it's built, it will be the first of its kind …
Read more on West Virginia MetroNews

Telepsychiatry for Effective, Discrete Substance Abuse Treatment
"We see CloudVisit as a perfect fit for substance abuse treatment facilities, community service boards, and private healthcare professionals. The unique inpatient and outpatient needs of providers and patients, whether financial or personal, can be …
Read more on Marketwired (press release)

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