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Posts Tagged ‘substance abuse’

Challenging Alcoholics Anonymous as the model for substance abuse treatment
The 12-step model of alcohol addiction treatment has been the status quo in rehabilitation centers for well over fifty years. Alcoholics Anonymous was formed in the 1930s and by 2000, the 12 steps were the program of choice for 90 percent of American …
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Renz program offers substance abuse care for minority women
With funding providing by a federal grant from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, minority women age 18 and over will have access to trauma informed services that will provide free substance abuse treatment, mental health …
Read more on Elgin Courier News

Question by killer_of_the_dead: What does it mean when some one says ” He/she went into Rehab?”?
What does rehab do to people and why do pepople gp there?

Best answer:

Answer by Ella
Rehab is short for rehabilitation. Someone could go to rehab for a number of reasons including addictions or substance abuse reasons. People receive counseling and behavior modification during rehab while living in a supportive and safe environment.

What do you think? Answer below!

Dipsomania is a habit forming upset delineate as an uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. In bitchiness of the harmful effects of alcohol on juicer’s wellness, most people are hooked to it.

To get rid of this sinister addiction various alcoholism rehab programs has been launched which has been born witness useful to recoup from this addiction.

These Alcohol Rehab Programs mainly consists of three main measures that lead to recovery from alcohol abuse. These three measures include treatment, detoxification, and rehabilitation.

1. Intervention:

This is the initial stair of the alcoholism rehab programs. In this measure, the nut is made to realize that he or she is suffering from a critical pattern of imbibing trouble. This step often needs help from the friends and family members. Once the acknowledgement from a nut has been made, the alcoholic qualifies from alcohol.

2. Detoxification:

This step of the alcoholism rehab usually lasts for 3-6 days. This is the time when the nut shows withdrawal symptoms as a result of staying away from alcohol. These symptoms may differ in vividness. Some may only feel mild withdrawal symptoms while in more extreme cases, others may show symptoms such as convulsion, hallucinations, and sometimes, even come close to death.

3. Rehabilitation:

It is important for any alcohol intervention program to contain a support system for the addict once he or she is through the detoxification physical process. This may include advising the alcoholic on how to continue to refrain from alcohol in the long run.

Edifice self confidence and family support plays an of import function in addition to all interventions provided by the alcoholism rehab center. Freaks after getting intervention from rehab center must ensure that they do not get back to the habit again.

An individual gets a new life sentence with a new hope and spirit with these alcohol intervention midpoints. The individual touches on every panorama of liveliness that includes wellness, nutrition, self assurance, and sense of responsibility.

Michel Nicholas is a famous author and recently a recovered addict. With an aim to help others gain control over their lives she writes regularly on topics like Alcoholism rehab, Alcoholism Rehab Programs, Intervention Programs & Services, Family Intervention Services and Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. For more information on rehab program please visit

An outpatient is a patient who is not hospitalized for one day or more but who visits a hospital, or clinic for treatment. Treatment provided in this manner is also known as ambulatory care.

An inpatient is a patient who is admitted to the hospital and stays overnight or for an indeterminate time, usually several days or weeks. In some cases, like coma and alcohol addictions, patients have been in hospitals for one year or more. Treatment provided in this manner is called inpatient care.

The answer of question in topic really depends on need of patient. And outpatient facility works only when patient is not severely addicted or have undergone with the first few stages of inpatient facilities. If patient is severely addicted and condition reached to dangerous situation than inpatient facility is only the option.

There are many cases where outpatient facility can be recommended. Some of common cases are like when patient is working and have to go office in day time, family members are cooperative and have ample time to take care of patient, the alcohol substance abuse treatment center is near by location of patient’s residence etc. These cases are only considered when patient is lightly addicted to alcoholism.

In cases where patient is moderately addicted and working, then there are provisions available where patient need to stay at alcohol rehab centers in the evenings for few hours or for only for nights. There are provisions available for weekly therapies. But only the thing is, patient should not be severely addicted.

There are number of cases and reasons for recommending inpatient facility. First and foremost reason is that patient get continuous supervision of experts. Inpatient facilities are proven for better positive results. Inpatient facilities not only detoxify the patient body, but also provide psychiatric treatment with help patient fight urge for alcohol. The behavioral treatment is much better in case of inpatient. There are three basic behavioral treatments used for alcohol substance abuse treatment. They are cognitive behavioral therapy, motivation enhancement therapy and famous 12 step facilitation. All three types of behavioral treatments are better taken care in case of inpatient facilities.

If you are very serious about alcohol substance abuse treatment for your loved ones, then don’t look at outpatient kind of care, simply go for inpatient facility, as it is much better than outpatient for better positive results.

There are more advantageous of inpatient facility over outpatient facility. Some of them are like better encouragement for self-empowerment, spiritual feelings, self-management and self-confidence. Those patients who are working and slowly loosing confidence on their work, and treatment is going as outpatient then they needed to stay for more hours with their therapists.

Usually inpatient facilities are costly than outpatient. But you can find out some cheap inpatient facility using some directory like

Michel Nicholas is a famous author and recently a recovered addict. With an aim to help others gain control over their lives she writes regularly on topics like Alcohol Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse Treatment and Alcohol Substance Abuse Treatment. For more information on rehab program please visit

Proposals being accepted for juvenile substance abuse treatment grants
The grants will fund comprehensive juvenile substance abuse treatment programs, both expanding treatment beds at existing facilities and creating new juvenile treatment programs with the full continuum of care, including intensive outpatient and follow …
Read more on Richmond Register

Bill that would force loved ones into substance abuse treatment passes House
John Walsh is hoping a bill he introduced that would allow families to file a court petition to force their loved one into substance abuse treatment before they hurt themselves or others will be law sometime this summer. The Livonia lawmaker said he …

One snapshot in a tragic national picture: Long Island sees exploding heroin use
Chris, now 17, is in treatment at Outreach House, a long-term substance abuse program on Long Island, New York, for youths ages 12 to 17. His road to … Heroin use has exploded in what is being described as an epidemic on New York's Long Island, where …
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Remember Hoffman's talent rather than his tragic death
When I was a camp counselor for four summers, I used to repeat that quote to my campers, 14-year olds entering high school, and we'd talk about the ways it rang true—what it meant to be cool in a world filled with rejection and judgment. The above …
Read more on The Bowdoin Orient

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