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Posts Tagged ‘special needs’

Selecting individual health insurance is an important decision, but is doesn’t necessarily have to be difficult. Especially with the amount of resources available to help you gather information and compare coverage, shopping for insurance can be a quick and easy process. You might be worried that a pre-existing condition will make finding individual health coverage more complicated and more expensive, but that shouldn’t discourage you from shopping for insurance. In today’s market there are many plans to accommodate your special needs and concerns.

The individual health insurance market can be a wild frontier, with the landscape changing from state to state and the rules frequently developing. At Blue Cross, they are committed to addressing changes in the healthcare system to keep you up to date. Whether you seek to purchase insurance yourself or through an agent, it’s important that you find a company you can trust. For over 60 years, Blue Cross has been a leading health care provider with independent agent well-versed in individual health policies to help you sort through your options to find the policy that’s right for you and your family.

So whether you are looking for a health maintenance organizations (HMOs) plan, preferred provider organizations (PPOs), point-of-service (POS) plan, or traditional fee-for-service arrangements, Blue Cross is an excellent place to start and who knows, you may just find that Blue Cross is the perfect company for you. Getting a quote is a click away. Simply input your information, compare plans, and apply online. It is as simple as 1-2-3 and it will provide you with assurance that your family is covered for all of life’s medial up and down.

To find more information on health insurance, visit Call toll free at 800.405.1765 to speak with a health insurance agent or email [email protected]

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Question by jenniebells: How have students with severe disabilities been impacted by No Child Left Behind?

Best answer:

Answer by LDTeacher
I have been a special educator for 30 ears EVERYTHING has impacted these kids!!
The tests that they are required to take have been changed, and the graduation requirements are very different. Hopefully, the tests reflect he needs and and basics that these kids need as adults. but the problem is that the LD or mildly MR kids are the ones who don’t get enough changes in their educational program.
They are expected to do everything that a “normal” kid is supposed to do w/o appropriate adaptions….the whole thing is un fair…there will always be kids who have special needs and just how can we help them??

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by jenniebells: How have students with severe disabilities been impacted by No Child Left Behind?

Best answer:

Answer by LDTeacher
I have been a special educator for 30 ears EVERYTHING has impacted these kids!!
The tests that they are required to take have been changed, and the graduation requirements are very different. Hopefully, the tests reflect he needs and and basics that these kids need as adults. but the problem is that the LD or mildly MR kids are the ones who don’t get enough changes in their educational program.
They are expected to do everything that a “normal” kid is supposed to do w/o appropriate adaptions….the whole thing is un fair…there will always be kids who have special needs and just how can we help them??

Give your answer to this question below!

Question by jenniebells: How have students with severe disabilities been impacted by No Child Left Behind?

Best answer:

Answer by LDTeacher
I have been a special educator for 30 ears EVERYTHING has impacted these kids!!
The tests that they are required to take have been changed, and the graduation requirements are very different. Hopefully, the tests reflect he needs and and basics that these kids need as adults. but the problem is that the LD or mildly MR kids are the ones who don’t get enough changes in their educational program.
They are expected to do everything that a “normal” kid is supposed to do w/o appropriate adaptions….the whole thing is un fair…there will always be kids who have special needs and just how can we help them??

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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