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Posts Tagged ‘meta house’

Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she said it was pretty good…and my friends sister did inpatient there.

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Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she said it was pretty good…and my friends sister did inpatient there.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she said it was pretty good…and my friends sister did inpatient there.

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Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she said it was pretty good…and my friends sister did inpatient there.

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