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Posts Tagged ‘jeff hardy’

Question by Whitewolfct: Critiques of the WWE’s “Wellness Program” — what is wrong with this picture?
Since Jeff Hardy is the current topic of the day, I just thought I’d bring up a related and perhaps more important issue and question. Concerning WWE’s “Wellness Program” (see link for details), do you think there are problems with the way the WWE is dealing with substance abuse? It seems to me like the Wellness program is more of a patch-up job than a real solution. Too many wrestlers have been lost and too many more are getting addicted to steroids, drugs, GH, painkillers, et cetera — are random testing and mandatory suspensions real solutions? Do they merely pay lip service to much bigger problems that the WWE isn’t able or willing to deal with?

Best answer:

Answer by lil aj

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Question by JonathanN: Does TNA have a “wellness program”?
Or do they just take in anyone and not care if they juice or not? Could Jeff Hardy go there if he doesn’t go to jail? Do they care about drug use?

Best answer:

Answer by MICHAEL S
I don’t know.

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