Programs vary at Christian drug rehab centers. In drug rehab centers in florida and Christian treatment centers for alcoholism and addiction follow Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Step Model for recovery.
Both Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) consider themselves to be “spiritual” rather than “religious” programs. However, the roots of AA (and therefore NA) are in the Christianity.
Alcoholics and addicts working towards recovery are like the proverbial sinner seeking redemption. Their programs are similar: alcoholics and addicts have the 12 Steps of AA; Christians have the Bible’s Ten Commandments.
The first and second commandments are requirements that only God is to be worshiped.
Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous tells those seeking recovery from alcoholism or addiction that they must admit and accept their disease, their powerlessness over it, and recognize the unmanageability of their lives. The spiritual principle behind Step One is Honesty.
Step Two offers encouragement in that it offers hope — and Hope is this step’s spiritual principle — for a belief in a Higher Power can aid in achieving and maintaining sobriety.
The third commandment is a reminder that if God’s name is used, it should be used properly, preferably prayerfully.
The Third Step informs addicts and alcoholics to turn themselves over to the care of their Higher Power. The principle is Faith.
The fourth commandment is a prompt to work all week, then rest, worshiping God on the Sabbath.
The Fourth Step’s spiritual principle is Courage. It’s needed as this step insists upon a personal inventory along with an accounting of misdeeds.
In Step Five, Integrity is the spiritual principle. That’s what’s exhibited when AA members admit their wrongdoings.
The fifth commandment is fairly self-explanatory. In AA, it’s worthwhile to honor your program elders (sponsor, “Old-timers,” etc.).
Willingness is the principle in Step Six. One must be willing to have their character flaws removed by a Higher Power.
The remainder of the Ten Commandments involves what NOT to do:
Don’t murder anyone
Don’t cheat on your spouse
Don’t steal
Don’t lie about your neighbor or anything else
Don’t be envious
Humility is the spiritual principle of Step Seven. It is necessary to be pride-free when seeking assistance in removing our faults.
In Step Eight, the principle is Brotherly Love. That’s what addicts and alcoholics need in order to prepare to atone for misdeeds.
The principle of Step Nine is Justice. Justice is meted out when addicts and alcoholics carry out Step Eight and attempt to make “amends.”
Perseverance is Step Ten’s spiritual principle. It’s necessary to have perseverance when examining one’s thoughts and actions and admit wrongdoing.
Step Eleven’s principle is Spirituality. This step provides guidance on meditation and prayer.
Service is the spiritual principle for Step Twelve. Like evangelical Christianity, service is carrying the message and assisting those in need.
Christian drug rehab centers in Florida and drug rehab centers in florida are finding areas where AA and NA overlap with faith and sharing what they discover with those in need of recovery.
Please come check out our alcohol rehab florida or Addiction Treatment in Florida .
About the Author:
This article is written by Peter Rhett .
Question by x9hotlilangel1x: how do u tell my mom that is is a drunk and how can i get help for her??
my mom is a drunk and she gets on my nerves u just want to get her help so she can be more of a mother i mean i live in lasing il so if u can help me plz do
Best answer:
Answer by jigsawinc
Look in your phone book or on the web for your local Alcoholics Anonymous group. They have knowledge in this area. Good luck!
What do you think? Answer below!
Question by almintaka: How well do alcohol recovery programs actually work?
Hi Everyone,
Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”, spiritual), Rational Recovery (“RR”, cognitive), SMART (cognitive), Save Ourselves (“SOS”, cognitive) and other alcohol recovery programs all claim varying levels of success in helping alcoholics on the road to recovery. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding their claims, as even a quick search on the internet will reveal. Viewing this chaos of opinions from “outside the box”, it certainly seems as though they’re all blowing smoke. Anecdotal arguments are used, tabloid-style quotations are touted as being authentic, and “my way or the highway” rationalizing is often used. One thing they all have in common is that apparently none of them has a handle on real statistics (though I could be wrong here; I just haven’t found any). In addition, independent studies (NIAA, Dawson) have shown that these programs are no more successful than no program at all. What’s your opion? Do one or more of these programs work better than nothing?
Best answer:
Answer by Rachel
I think any recovery program works only as well as the time & persistance the addict puts into staying clean.
Add your own answer in the comments!
They always say that admitting to a problem is that hardest part of recovery. However, this isn’t always true. What do you do after that? Where do you turn to? For those battling drug addictions, this can be a very difficult process. When dealing with drug rehab, Los Angeles is often the city to go to. There is a Los Angeles drug treatment center every couple miles. But, getting to the point where rehab is an option is also a very hard battle. Those battling with drug addictions need support. It is important not to feel punished or guilty when dealing with a drug issue. Here are some tips for those dealing with addiction or helping someone who is.
Friends are crucial in a time like this. No one can beat an addiction alone. Often times, family can be too helpful or too angry, where as friends want nothing but to help. If your friend is addicted to drugs and looking for help, reach out to them. One of the most powerful tools to be addiction is support. Feeling like someone else wants them to quit and is willing to help them can be the deciding factor. Also, don’t be a fair weather friend. If you quit as soon as the situation gets sticky, you will hurt the person greatly.
Also, for those who are dealing with addiction, the people you surround yourself with is important. If your drug abuse is a social thing, or started as a social thing, you need to find new friends. Don’t attend parties while trying to get clean. However, don’t sit at home and have no social life. It is important to go out and stay busy so the temptation is lessened. Even if your friends are not addicted to drugs, explain to them that you are, and it is difficult for you to resist when they do drugs around you. If they won’t change for you, it is time to invest in a new group of friends.
Local support groups can also be a godsend in a time like this. If rehab is too expensive, or perhaps you’re simply not ready, these are a great alternative. They are support groups similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, but they target specific drugs. These are usually more popular than you realized especially if you live in the city. The sessions are usually held in gyms or local meeting halls, so they are easily accessible. Through groups like this you can find other people suffering like you who may help your beat you addiction.
A lot of people turn to religion when dealing with drug addiction. Religion can be something to focus on or a way to call out for help. Lots of people find god and use god as support. Some people turn to more spiritual religions as a way to channel their addiction into something more positive. Also, activities such as yoga and running can be a great way to keep busy. The key is getting help and not leaving any room for relapse.
Chuck R. Stewart recently sought the advice of a Los Angeles drug treatment center and a drug rehab Los Angeles counseling center for a friend of the family’s whose child is in need.
Leading Online Addiction Treatment Provider, Lionrock Recovery, Announces Its …
Leading online addiction treatment program, Lionrock Recovery, provides addiction treatment by secure online video conference and mobile Internet application to break down barriers that often stop people struggling with drugs and alcohol from getting …
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Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous that have been around since the 1930s are built on group therapy and an acceptance that the addict does in fact have a problem and needs help to beat their addiction. The problem for many fighting addiction …
Staying clean or sober is an ongoing battle and it’s important to have a number of tools to turn to in order to win this uphill battle. First of all, for many people attending meetings works very well. There are often a few available each day, especially in metropolitan areas. Take advantage of these alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anonymous meetings to keep your sobriety and gain support.
In addition to meetings, it is helpful to have ways to change your mood when you start getting tempted. Have a few people you can call if this comes up. This can include your sponsor, family members and close friends. You can also have two or three books of inspiration to turn to when these feelings come up. These can include spiritual literature, biographies, accounts of those who have overcome addictions and books of quotes. Also, having a book of fiction that is very engrossing is another way to get your mind off negative thoughts.
Exercising, meditation and physical activity are also very good outlets. Have some dvds you can pop in the player or your computer to help with your mental state. If you are in cold weather, have indoor activities available to turn to in your home. During warm weather it is good to have a place for walking, swimming or other outdoor forms of improving one’s state of mind.
Counseling is also very useful to work through family issues, traumas from the past and current challenging situations. If you have a counselor you can give that person a call when you are having a hard time and may be able to schedule an earlier appointment. Support is critical to get through some of the temptations. Family therapy can help clear out some past situations that were never resolved.
Renting movies is a good way to get yourself laughing and in a state of humor. Find something that is a comedy as sometimes heavy dramas can make things worse when you are going through something. If you’ve been clean or sober for more than 30 days you should also congratulate yourself.
You have made some progress and are on the way to recovery. Keep a calendar and every few days write down the number of days you’ve been able to stay free from relapsing. If you think of falling off the wagon or regressing, look at your notes. You have been successful for a period of time and it would truly be sad to lose all the progress you’ve made.
Learn more about Drug Relapse Prevention and Alcoholic Intervention Tips.
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