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Posts Tagged ‘alcohol treatment centers’

McLean Hospital looks to Camden's Fox Hill for alcohol, drug rehab center
CAMDEN — McLean Hospital, associated with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, is considering acquiring Fox Hill in Camden to operate a high-end, 30-day, inhouse alcohol and substance abuse rehabilitation facility. The center …

Passages Malibu Recognizes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and
February 24-March 2 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, an annual event put on by the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) of America and supported by Passages drug and alcohol treatment centers. Share on Twitter Share on …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Addiction is a scourge and the prime objective of any Alcohol treatment program is to empower you with the spirit to conquer the addiction. It may sound difficult, but not impossible. The Luxury Drug Rehab wants to remain as your noble friend.

While tangled way of deception is often witnessed in many Alcohol treatment centers, it must be accepted that there are genuine centers, who want to help you out. Whether you want a luxurious treatment facility or a mediocre, the exclusively dedicated staff members of Luxury Drug Rehab will help you out.

The people become victim of alcohol due to several reasons. Some become addictive just because of curiosity. It might have happened that they have noticed their parents to drink at home or the series of colored wine bottles in their refrigerator. Some fall in love with alcohol in the college days mainly in the association of some friends. It becomes more of a reckless drive than showing due diligence to the consequences. Some might like the pungent smell and the soothing after effect of alcohol. Notwithstanding the true impact, the people of varied segments become alcohol addicts.

Whatever the root cause might be, when the person is found to become addictive, it is strongly recommended to take the able guidance of some Alcohol treatment centers. There are several out patient programs also. Again some of the centers emphasize on in patient programs. However, the treatment program and the duration completely depend upon the condition of the addict.

Contact Luxury Drug Rehab to find out an array of effective alcohol rehab centers.

About the Author:

This article is written by Dr.Naina


Image by wannaoreo

The Importance of Alcohol Rehab Centers
This is when patients are required to go to an alcohol rehab and treatment center. The main goal of any alcohol rehab center is to help a person fully overcome his addiction for alcohol and inculcate a positive change in his behavior that will help him …
Read more on Hive Health Media (blog)

Bethlehem zoners nix another Atiyeh plan for treatment center
Those were among concerns that were alleviated Monday when the Bethlehem Zoning Hearing Board denied a request by a developer to build a drug and alcohol treatment center off Linden Street. After five hours of testimony, the board voted 5-0 to deny a …
Read more on Allentown Morning Call

Pinnacle Treatment Center acquires Covington Methadone Clinic
Pinnacle Treatment Centers, which operates a network of drug and alcohol treatment centers, has acquired NKY MED LLC and plans to open a Covington outpatient addiction treatment facility. The Pinnacle facility will be located at the former Save- A- Lot …
Read more on FOX19

Addiction clinic opens in ex-pill mill center
Minnesota-based Hazelden, one of the country's largest private drug and alcohol treatment centers, announced a medication-assisted program in October that includes Suboxone, citing the growing painkiller epidemic. Neither Tennessee nor Kentucky …
Read more on Portsmouth Daily Times

Inpatient alcohol rehab is for severe alcoholics who for a multitude of reasons cannot abstain from drinking. It is usually only severe alcoholics who will sign themselves in for inpatient alcohol rehab. In some cases the alcoholic will have no choice because they may have been ordered to take inpatient alcohol rehab by a court of law or they may have been taken into an alcohol rehabilitation program because they have become ill from the effects of alcohol abuse.

The first part of any alcohol rehabilitation treatment is alcohol detoxification. Alcohol detoxification is the process of removing all of the toxins that have been built up in the body by alcohol abuse. These toxins are responsible for the cravings that alcoholic will get when he has not had a drink. Alcohol detoxification is a controlled way of enabling the patient to deal with the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

The next part of the alcohol rehabilitation is trying to discover why the patient is addicted to alcohol. There will be daily therapy sessions in which the alcoholic will try to understand the fundamental causes behind their addiction and the patient will also be helped to develop a plan of action which they will carry forward once they leave the inpatient alcohol rehab program. It is important that the patient stays in the program for as long as possible. This is because the patient will have far better chance of successful alcohol rehab if they have spent a long enough time in therapy. Of course inpatient alcohol rehab is only the beginning. Once the patient leaves the program they should begin to get help on the outside to deal with any problems that might arise.

Inpatient alcohol rehab is the first step on your road to recovery. The road to recovery could take the rest of your life. You may never be able to take an alcoholic drink again but life does not stop because of this. Once you have finished with your inpatient alcohol rehab you will follow a course of outpatient alcohol rehab which will last for a relatively longer period time. For more information about either of these processes please click on the highlighted text above.

More Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers Articles

Percocet is an opiate painkiller prescription drug with highly addictive properties. If the drug is used, as the doctor prescribed it is generally safe besides the normal side effects, however, once a person begins to abuse the drug trouble starts. Percocet abuse can lead to addiction, physical problems, emotional problems, work problems, and relationship problems. The emotional and physical addiction to percocet and other opiates is very hard to break. In fact, the only way in which to kick the habit is with medical help.

Percocet is one of those drugs that started to soar on the drug abuse list since 2000. By 2005, more than eleven million individuals in the United States had a percocet abuse problem. By 2007, painkillers such as percocet were only a tad below marijuana for individuals seeking help for addiction. Today, schools are reporting that students in both middle school and high school are taking drugs like percocet and oxycontin to name a few of the opiates found in the education system. Percocet abuse is rising in every state across the nation.

Percocet abuse is not only found among teenagers and street gangs. Percocet abuse happens to be senior problem as well. Many individuals are given this type of drug as a painkiller and due to the intense pain; patients take more than is prescribed to rid their body of the pain. The problem with most opiates is the high is very addicting and once a person begins to abuse the drug it will soon turn into an addiction.

Teenagers and others that want to enjoy the high found with percocet abuse often crush the pills in order to snort or add the crushed powder to water in order to shoot up. Where are the kids finding these drugs? The answers are in parent’s medicine cabinets, through a physician due to an injury, at clubs or rave parties. The drug has a way of chemically altering the way the brain functions providing a feeling of well being.

The sad news is that once an individual has a percocet abuse problem, they cannot just throw the bottle away and rejoice. A person with a percocet abuse must go through withdrawal symptoms which are often life threatening. In order to detox or rid the body of the toxins of drug abuse the person will need to receive medical care.

In 2007, close to ten percent of all individuals admitted to drug and alcohol treatment centers were in the group of percocet abusers or other opiates such as oxycontin. Treatment for those suffering percocet abuse includes counseling and behavior modification. In some cases, according to the length of time a person has been abusing the drug, medications may be needed to help with withdrawal symptoms. The drugs often used include methadone or buprenorphine.

At this time, there are not as many drug and alcohol treatment centers that are certified to give the drug needed for those with percocet abuse problems. The majority of times, the detox period will need to be handled in a hospital.

Today, more and more individuals are using painkillers such as oxycontin and vicodin for all kinds of chronic pain conditions such as cancer, arthritis, or injuries. These painkillers prescribed to patients with pain act just like morphine or heroin once they hit the bloodstream. The drugs are carried to the brain and affect receptors to cause the pain to be ignored in a way. However, with painkiller addiction the more the drug is abused the greater the risk for chemically changing the functions of the brain. Some individuals may have a painkiller addiction accidentally such as seniors that are in severe pain and only want the pain to cease, whereas others love the well being high that accompanies opiate drugs.

All across America painkiller addiction is growing, which is a sad side effect of modern medicine. This growing problem is causing an uproar in law enforcement agencies, between medical professionals, and throughout the education system. In 2007, for first time users of a little over 2 million people the choice of drugs were painkillers. Over one and half million individuals were addicted to painkillers as well and non-heroin opiates were about 10 percent of those entering drug treatment centers.

As the baby boomers become older, more painkillers will be found in medicine cabinets all across America, allowing the risk of more and more painkiller addiction problems, from those wanting to rid their body of pain and from those stealing the drug from family members and friends. Some painkillers, such as oxycontin causes very high intense cravings, which can lead to violent behavior if a person cannot get their hands on the drug thus the reason for pharmacy robberies.

If you believe, a loved one has a painkiller addiction problem you should watch for signs such as weakness, confusion, sleepiness, nausea, dizziness, slow breathing, seizures, and small pinpoint seizures. For those that are snorting or shooting the drug into the veins you will notice a redness of the nostrils or needle marks.

Painkiller addiction treatment is the same as for any other opiate. In most cases, it will include medication, counseling, and behavioral modification. The drugs often used for those suffering from painkiller addiction in the detox period include naltrexone, buprenorphine, and methadone. Withdrawal from pain killers can start within just a few hours of the last dosage, professional medical supervision is needed to ensure the addict does not have life threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Today, in the United States there are over 13,000 drug rehab and alcohol treatment centers, however, at this time only a few offers medication treatment for painkiller addiction or other opiate addiction. In order for a facility to be able to administer the needed drugs for recovery from painkiller addiction, the doctors must be certified. In the majority of cases, a person with a painkiller addiction will need to visit a drug detox center prior to receiving drug abuse treatment. A good treatment program will include a detox program along with counseling.

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