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Q&A: Simple Question About My Health Please?

Question by Loveme: Simple question about my health please?
I’ve been having breathing problems, and chest pain for the past 5 months. It’s strictly based off stress since I’ve lost my job I’ve been enraged with anger. I went to the doctors, and he gave me laxapro and benadrly to take for 8 days straight. Now I am off of the pills, and I don’t longer have chest pain, but still have a little trouble breathing. Those pills I took will not give me a heart attack in the future, right ?

age 20 (Male) 5’10 190lbs

Best answer:

Answer by Sandra
I can’t answer about any side-effects of the drugs, but I do know that Acupuncture is a good treatment for anxiety and stress-induced chest and heart pain. It can also help to balance your system after an emotional trauma to allieviate anger, grief, post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc.

Try Health website ( or “practitioner directory” to find a qualified acupuncturist or Doctor of Oriental Medicine in your area. They can help resolve your problem with acupuncture, and maybe some natural herbal remedies, no pharmaceuticals.

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