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Q&A: Please Help!!!! I Want to Help My Boyfriend Stop Drinking So Much?

Question by Llesenia: Please help!!!! i want to help my boyfriend stop drinking so much?
well my boyfriend has been drinking since he was about 15 now he is 21, he’s drinking before when he was younger he told me was pretty heavy & also drug consumption, now he doesn’t do much drinking if he does drink its sometimes on the weekends when he hangs out with his friends. But my concern has always been that even though now he doesn’t drink as much but im thinking he has damaged his stomach to the point now he just started throwing up & there’s blood in the vomit, before he would tell me he had a stomach pain that he would get on the right side of his stomach by his belly button. That pain he told me went away but just last night after he drank & he is a heavy drinker when he drinks he told me after he took a nap he woke up feeling bad & was throwing up blood i want him stop i know i cant make him but i don’t want to lose him i love him very much with all my heart but i cant stand see him hurting himself more & it leading to worse.

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Answer by A
He needs to see a doctor to treat the physical symptoms and then he should probably either join a program or talk to someone who can help him learn the tools to stop drinking. It sounds like he’s done a lot of damage to his body with all this drinking and he should stop if he wants to be healthy and keep on living. Excessive drinking is very bad and can destroy your liver and lead to many health problems in the future.
Vomiting blood isn’t a good sign, so get him checked out.

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