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My Student Loans Are in Default and I Want to Go Back to School. What Steps Do I Need to Take?

Question by Tesa: My student loans are in default and I want to go back to school. What steps do I need to take?
My loans have been transferred to DCS collections. I stupidly gave them my acct. information for automatic payments for their “Rehabilitation program”. Well I was paying and everything seemed to be fine then I lost my job with only 1 payment left 🙁 I called to let them know and they continued to take payments from my acct. (my own stupidity I know), causing my bank acct to go negative and now the bank has closed my acct.
Now I am working again and want to get back in school.After some research on the company,I do not want to have to deal with them.

If I send payments to my lender directly instead of this sketchy agency, will that take me out of default?
Someone please help 🙁 I just dont know where to start

Best answer:

Answer by Wrenched
1 Talk directly to the loan company
2 Talk to the financiall aid office at the college
3 Let them help you.
4 Good luck

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