Question by Danielle: Is there such a thing as “soda rehab” or similar?
I have a very close friend who I have known for many years and she admits that she wants to quit drinking soda and change her lifestyle.
She has attempted at quitting and she ends up at withdrawing from it.
Does anyone know if there’s such a thing called “soda rehab” or something? She has a super low self-esteem. She gets mad and agressive if you take soda away from her once she reaches her withdraw stage.
Any tips on how to get her to quit or help ease it off so she can quit?
She drinks 50-90 oz of dr. pepper and mountain dew every single day, sometimes more than that.
She refuses to drink “plain” water and doesn’t like the taste of most water flavor additions that she has tried.
Best answer:
Answer by Alex
Ok no affence to ur friend but her problems are in her head, u cannot be addicted to soda.. I dont even belive u can be addicted to alcohol… Its the frame of mind u have and she is a suger addict
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