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Q&A: What Is Relapse? When Can It Occur, and How Long After “recovery”?

Question by Shen: What is relapse? When can it occur, and how long after “recovery”?
I am just wondering… sometimes when life gets stressful and overwhelming, I am tempted to retreat to some of my past addictions (alcohol, anorexia, cutting) and occasionally do so. I make the excuse that it’s okay because I am having a relapse and therefore can’t help it. But deep inside I know that I could use self-discipline and healthy coping methods to resist it if I tried.. so is this really a “relapse” or am I just missing that part of my life that is gone? How long after recovery before these urges and slip-ups stop? For me, I consider that I’ve been recovered for about 3 years. Insight or advice?
Gabby’s Mom – Your baby is adorable, btw. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by king of the ozone
a relapse is going back to ur old ways after cleaning urself up. usually with alcoholics and drug addicts. theyll be sober for some time and start drinking or using again(relapse)

i have a friend that suffers from the same kind of stuff you do. honesly, just find some good friends who understand you. thats what i am to him and he got better cuz of me.

we all have some type of mental illnes, some ppl just show them more than others.
and just try to stay away from the hardcore drugs, like heroin cocaine and meth. a little alcohol dosnt hurt every now and then but dont abuse yourself with it.

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