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Can a Hospital Refuse Someone Who Has Had a Possible Stroke Because Their AHCCS Coverage Ran Out?

Question by WTH (idea: Can a hospital refuse someone who has had a possible stroke because their AHCCS coverage ran out?
My ex wife had what to me was an obvious stroke.Her right arm was like jello she couldn’t walk and complained her chest hurt.When her sister took her to a local hospital(TMC in Tucson AZ) They refused to admit her because her AHCCCS card had expired . Can they really do that? If so what are her options?

Best answer:

Answer by Brian
While the stroke may be obvious to you if the ER physician gave her a full work up and found nothing wrong there really is no reason to admit her unless they’re gonna obs her for the night to cover their butt. A lot of times bells palsy or a TIA can go home that day with instructions to follow up with your personal physician for further testing or to come back in if things get worse. I highly doubt they refused to admit her cause her AHCCCS card expired. The reason why I’m so sure is 99/100 times an ER physician won’t even know your insurance until they go to admit you the reason why is cause it doesn’t matter what insurance a person has till that time. The only reason why it even matters at all is so you can admit the patient to the right hospitalist as certain hospitalist groups are contracted with certain insurance companies.

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