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Thunder Bay Detox Centre Gets $1M Boost

Thunder Bay detox centre gets M boost
The North West Local Health Integration Network announced nearly $ 1 million in funding for the Balmoral Withdrawal Management Centre Thursday, freeing up space in area hospitals. Health care officials say three thousand people with substance abuse …

5 Common Health Myths Exposed
Yes, you might have eaten or drunk everything under the sun, want to lose weight and get more energy, but it can be done without detoxing. Your body's natural instinct is to store your energy, so why on Earth would you expect it to push out anything?
Read more on Huffington Post Canada (blog)

Freezing deaths part of a larger problem
People are then sent to the city's brief detox centre or to a jail cell for the night. Some homeless people would rather take their chances in the elements than spend the night in a jail cell, Stark said, suggesting they fear the police more than the cold.
Read more on Prince Albert Daily Herald

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